Monday, June 21, 2010

Daybook for 06/21/2010


Outside my window...the sky is blue with puffy white clouds.  It is 91 degrees out there!

I am thinking...that it would be nice for the Diplomat to arrive soon.  I am 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant.

I am thankful dear sweet husband who woke me up from naps twice this weekend to tell me that dinner was just about ready.  I suppose I am also thankful for my father-in-law who taught Ish how to cook.

From the kitchen...there are plans to make black bean salad today. 

I am wearing...a raspberry pink maternity dress.

I am creating...lots of handwritten notes and letters.  I have recently acquired two new penpals!

I am have a baby soon. 

I am reading...a random assortment of things.

I am hoping...tomorrow's ultrasound goes well and that the Diplomat is still healthy and happy.

I am hearing...the clicking of the keyboard.

Around the house...things are pretty much ready for baby.  I need to do a bit of decluttering of surfaces though.

One of my favorite that my father has learned how to text message.  It has been a really pleasant way to keep in touch and talk baseball.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Ultrasound tomorrow and a prenatal visit on Friday if the Diplomat still has yet to arrive.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

I captured this picture this morning.  The shadows being cast on my dining room wall were so cool looking I couldn't help but to take a picture!

For more daybooks visit Peggy at  The Simple Woman's Daybook


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog today ~ Hope your little one shows his face soon =)

  2. Neat photo! I love capturing light and shadow.

    Thank you for your prayers. I've been praying for you too -- that these last few days go well and soon you are holding your sweet baby in your arms.


  3. The picture is beautiful. I pray everything will go well with your baby. What a wonderful gift from God. Doylene
